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Help Your Kids With Maths
《Help Your Kids With Maths》,by Carol Voderman
1. Numbers
addition, subtraction, multiplication, division: 加减乘除
prime numbers: 质数(素数)
units of measurement: 测量单位
positive and negative numbers: 正数与负数
powers and roots: 幂与根
standard form: 科学记数法, scientific notation
- salary: (固定)工资, wage: (计时)工资,tax: 税金
- bank account: 银行帐号
- credit card: 信用卡, debit card: 借记卡
- income: 收入
- interest: 利息
- mortgage: 抵押贷款
- savings: 储蓄
- break-even: 收支平衡,盈亏平衡
- loss: 亏损
- profit: 收益
- cost: 成本
- revenue: 收入
- profit: 利润, = revenue - cost
- simple interest: 单利,compound interest: 复利
2. Geometry
- 交,直线,对称(反射对称、旋转对称),座标,向量,平移,旋转、缩放,按比例制图,方位(bearing,北边为 0º,东边为 90º)
- 尺规作图,轨迹(locus)
- 三角形,全等三角形,三角形面积,相似三角形,勾股定理,四边形,多边形,圆,周长和直径,切线,弧,扇形
- 立体,体积,表面积
3. Trignometry
4. Algebra
5. Statistics
柱状图,饼图,折线图,散点图,平均值,移动平均值,中位数,四分位数,直方图(histogram),盒须图(box-and-whisker diagram,也叫箱形图, box plot, 蜡烛图, candlestick chart)
6. Probability
概率,期望值(expectation),组合概率(combined probability),相依事件(dependent event)